google-site-verification=xYK6WzPYx_P4ir3_xlZfU837Vv-w1p1kXJXxopIAECU Conscience | GoOriginal Clothing
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Our Conscience 


      Fast fashion is done by compressing production cycles and turning out up-to-the-minute designs, it has enabled shoppers not only to expand their wardrobes but also to refresh them quickly. Consumers keep clothing items about half as long as they did 15 years ago in every apparel category. Some reports suggest that consumers treat the low-priced garments as nearly disposable, abandoning them after wearing them just seven or eight times.


Consumers have responded to lower prices and greater variety by buying more items of clothing. The number of clothing produced annually has doubled since 2000 and exceeded 100 billion for the first time in 2014, nearly 14 items of clothing for every person on earth In 2016 alone approximately. 20 new clothing per person were manufactured, but of course, the consumption of these garments is geographically and socially uneven.


Fast fashion is now a large, sophisticated business fed by a fragmented and relatively low-tech production system that hasn’t upgraded in a long time. Reports also continue to appear around clothing factory workers being underpaid and exposed to unsafe, even deadly workplace conditions, particularly when handling materials like cotton and leather that require extensive processing. Many clothing companies face problems with labour conditions throughout their supply chains, including child labour, lower wages, and health and safety hazards without insurances.


Environmental effects


      This system has outsized environmental effects: making clothes typically requires using loads of water and chemicals and emitting large amounts of greenhouse gases. Increasing dependence on cotton clothing might seem like a clever solution to the hysterical carbon consumption driven by synthetic fibres. However, although cotton has a lower carbon footprint, it is a thirsty fibre that the production requires considerably more land and water than its synthetic equivalents. The amount of water used in cotton production has reached 93 billion cubic metres of water per year, with 10,000 – 20,000 litres of water needed just to make 1kg of clothing. This places an enormous burden on the water supplies in Central Asia, China and India, countries which are already struggling with water scarcity linked to climate change.

      The land and water that is not taken by the cotton fields are often heavily polluted by fertilisers and pesticides. Globally, cotton fields account for 2.4% of cultivated land but ingest 6% of pesticides and 16% of insecticides. This harms not only the health of cotton pickers, insects, birds and animals, but it also means that as water is redirected to the cotton fields, soils acidify and become increasingly barren. 

       Polyester is more of an evil, many of those fibres are polyester, a plastic found in an estimated 60% of garments. Producing polyester releases two to three times more carbon emissions than cotton, and polyester does not break down in the ocean instead end up in a landfill or incinerated each year. Say, the fashion sector continues on its current trajectory, the share of the carbon budget could be up by 26% before 2050




       The innovation in the way clothes are made has not held pace with the acceleration of how they are designed, manufactured and marketed, we are far behind on the disposal front. When it comes to disposing of clothing, current technologies cannot reliably turn unwanted apparel into fibres that could be used to make new goods or other useful goods. Recycling methods such as shredding or chemical digestion work very inadequately and there are not markets large enough to soak up the volume of material that would come from recycling clothes. As a result, for every 5 garments produced, the equivalent of 3 end up in a landfill or burned each year. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of humanity's carbon emissions and if it continues on its current trajectory, that share of the carbon budget could jump to 26% by 2050


Consumer Conscience



       When you shop, your most important criteria are usually price and style. As conscientious consumers, we need to make an environmental impact. It’s one thing to say we do care about the environment, but another to bank with our money to make a real change. Purchasing one shirt may seem like no big deal, but if everyone is doing it, the damage multiplies. A single t-shirt uses a lot more natural resources than you might think.




        We are taking several initiatives like Rebound, ReNew and Original Care to deal with the issues mentioned above. Our packaging material is 100% eco-friendly and reusable. We are happy and proud to say our packaging process does not include any kind of plastic materials. We have also included a small surprise for helping our mother earth turn green along with every product/order. Please join us if you want to contribute and get original. 








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